Tips to Avoid Foreclosure
June 05, 2018
Over the years, Gibbs Realty and Auction Co., Inc. has specialized in listing, marketing and selling government owned and bank owned properties. It has been a blessing to be able to offer affordable housing and to work with and help buyers become homeowners while holding homeowner education events and seminars to help prevent foreclosure. But we also see ...
June 05, 2018
MOVING MADE "EASIER" We we all know moving isn't always fun whether you are moving from a one room loft or a 5000 square feet house. There are several ways to make your move go smooth. 1. Get rid of things you don't use or need any longer before packing. Fewer boxes means less ...
20 Ways To Keep Motivated While Moving
June 04, 2018
1. Stop Endless “Mind Chatter”. Stay Focused In The Moment.Under stress, your mind can become an endless recording of negativechatter. “I can’t do this.” “I should have done that.” “What if thisdoesn’t work?” “What if that happens?” In an effort to halt such anenergy drain, try ...
Alabama housing
June 04, 2018
If you're looking for a state with an undeniabe charming, comfortable, and downright American.....then Alabama is the location for the perfect home you've been searching for. With breathtaking shorelines, low costs and some of the kindest neighbors you'll ever meet. And if you're moving to Alabama, it doesn't matter which town you live ...
Why Is Your Credit Score Low When You Pay Your Bills on Time?
June 04, 2018
There are many factors that go into determining your credit score. One of the main factors is paying your bills on time. But there are other factors that affect your score that you may not even be aware of. Below are a few items that you can control and help your score. Having too many ...
June 02, 2018
Buying your first home is a big step! It’s wonderful to dream dreams, and it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of searching property sites like Before going too far, however, it’s a good idea to hit the “pause” button and consider these more serious points. 1. Know when ...
June 02, 2018
GET PRE-APPROVED YESTERDAYThere are several reasons why it is crucial to get pre-approved for your mortgage prior to looking at homes. Here are a few:*If you work with a purchase price and fall in love with a home, you may not know what the monthly payment looks like. Add taxes and insurance with your loan officer so that you ...
FHA vs Conventional Mortgage Types
June 01, 2018
FHA vs. Conventional Mortgage TypesLet's take a look at both mortgage types to help you decide what's right for you.Is a Conventional Loan Better than FHA?What loan is right for me? My neighbor refinanced with an FHA loan, should I get that type of loan too? If you are first time home buyer or looking ...
Tips for summer living
May 30, 2018
During the summer we ask ourselves, "Why am I out of control". You had so many plans for the summer, to get caught up, to paint that dresser, hold the yard sale, but life got in the way and things did not happen.This scenario is all to common- but there is good news. There is ...
First Time Home Sellers
May 30, 2018
First Time Home SellersPosted on May 29, 2018 in Uncategorized In a seller’s market there s a high demand on re sale properties. If you currently own a home, it is the perfect time to consider selling and buying another home. Here are some things you need to consider before you sell a home ...
May 24, 2018
Add outdoor artGive your yard a little spunk and curb appeal by adding weather-resistant artwork. Choose pieces that complement your home's natural palette and exterior elements. Birdbaths, metal cutouts, sculptures, and wind chimes are good choices for outdoor art. Water sculptures not only function as yard art, but the burbling sounds soothe and make hot days feel ...
May 24, 2018
Dress up the front doorYour home's front entry is the focal point of its curb appeal. Make a statement by giving your front door a blast of color with paint or by installing a custom wood door. Clean off any dirty spots around the knob, and use metal polish on the door fixtures. Your entry should also reflect ...
Alabama development
May 23, 2018
Alabama's sustainable development is not possible without growth in real estate that provides facilities for all human activities while improving the public spaces in cities and towns. Alabama neighborhoods are rich with historical significance and has become an attractive home for families. Capital investments in cities have resulted in job opportunities and is on an upward track, which ...
Happy Wife Happy Life
May 22, 2018
Not all women have to have the finer things in life. Women these days seem to have a vision of what they can create with what they are given. A blank canvas if you will. Don't get me wrong there are some that would like to open the door to a new home, walk in and sit their ...
Home Sales Climb in 2018 in Middle Tennessee
May 22, 2018
The real estate market is hot! In the middle tennessee area of Manchester, TN; Home sales are up 12% from last year to date. Even with limited inventory, not only the number of sales, but the sales price is increasing. Median home prices for 2018 are up 10% vs. 2017 year to date. Thinking of purchasing ...
McMinn County Tennessee Schools
May 22, 2018
Moving brings the usual challenges, whether it is moving across town or across the country, and all that is involved in the purchase of a new home. If a household has children of school age, information and knowledge on what are the best schools is just as important as other decisions in the buying process.In Tennessee your child ...
May 22, 2018
YOUR REALTOR JUST PHONED BUYERS ARE COMING WITHIN TWO HOURS - DON'T PANIC!!How to best use that short time to make the best impression.Take out any kitchen and bathroom garbage.Put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher.Clear off countertops.Put out clean towels in kitchen and bathroom.Personal items should be hidden from view in ...
May 22, 2018
YOUR REALTOR JUST PHONED BUYERS ARE COMING WITHIN TWO HOURS - DON'T PANIC!!How to best use that short time to make the best impression.Take out any kitchen and bathroom garbage.Put all dirty dishes into the dishwasher.Clear off countertops.Put out clean towels in kitchen and bathroom.Personal items should be hidden from view in ...
May 22, 2018
TIPS TO SAVE YOU MONEY AS A NEW HOMEOWNER1. Vacuum dryer lint pipelint is a fire hazardClean at least once a yearMake sure the vent flap is open when operating the dryer2. Change the air filterDirty filters raise your energy billchange at least every 60 days3. Clean your guttersrepairing damage can be costlyfaulty gutter drainage can cause foundation damage4. ...
5 Reasons Homeownership Makes ‘Cents’
May 22, 2018
5 Reasons Homeownership Makes ‘Cents’The American Dream of homeownership is alive and well. Recent reports show that the US homeownership rate has rebounded from recent lows and is headed in the right direction. The personal reasons to own differ for each buyer, but there are many basic similarities.Today we want to talk about the top 5 ...
Are you ready to buy a home? by Kathryn Vasel @KathrynVasel April 26, 2018: 10:01 AM ET
May 17, 2018
by Kathryn Vasel @KathrynVaselApril 26, 2018: 10:01 AM ET The transition from renter to homebuyer is a big one. Owning your own home gives you assurance that your monthly housing costs will never go up, (assuming you get a fixed-rate mortgage). Landlords can jack up your rent when you are least expecting it.Powered by ...
Renting vs Buying
May 17, 2018
Buying a house is a serious step in your life and you need to consider all the problems you may face and review the advantages you get with your own property. There are plenty of reasons to buy or not to buy a house, but we’ll highlight the key points that should help you understand whether becoming a ...
Legislative Update
May 17, 2018
Insurable, Insurable w/Escrow, Uninsurable...What's the Difference?
May 16, 2018
Recently I was teaching our Continuing Education course, Keys to Selling HUD Homes, when a student asked me about the term "Uninsurable" in relation to a HUD home they had seen on They wanted to know if that meant the buyer would be unable to get homeowner's insurance on their new home. Of course the ...
In Honor of National Home Improvement Month, Here Are The Home Improvements With The Best ROI
May 16, 2018
Home renovations are a great way to make your home more livable. But if you’re thinking about selling your home anytime in the future, you want to know you’re going to be able to get back at least some of your investment when you put your house on the market. But which renovations are going to give ...