K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

Articles on #quarantine

Covid mortgage bailouts are expiring fast, but here’s why a foreclosure crisis is unlikely

September 13, 2021

Covid mortgage bailouts are expiring fast, but here’s why a foreclosure crisis is unlikelyPUBLISHED FRI, SEP 10 20217:00 AM EDTUPDATED FRI, SEP 10 20217:00 AM EDTDiana Olick@IN/DIANAOLICK@DIANAOLICKCNBC@DIANAOLICKKEY POINTSThere are still 1.618 million borrowers in forbearance programs, or 3.1% of all outstanding mortgagesSome 98% of those troubled borrowers have at least 10% equity in their homes, not ...

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