What is the Good Neighbor Next Door Program?
March 13, 2023
Law enforcement officers, teachers (pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade) firefighters and emergency medical technicians can contribute to community revitalization while becoming homeowners through HUD's Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program. HUD offers a substantial incentive in the form of a discount of 50% from the list price of the home. In return, an eligible buyer must commit to live ...
What is the Good Neighbor Next Door Program?
February 06, 2023
Do you think homeownership is out of reach? What if we told you that you could buy a home for half the cost of the listing price and a $100 down payment? You would likely say we’re crazy, but the fact is, buyers eligible for HUD’s Good Neighbor Next Door Program (GNND) can do just that. But ...
Understanding the Good Neighbor Next Door Lottery
April 13, 2018
When most of us hear the word “Lottery,” we start mentally spending the $100 million dollars we’ll get if we win. Though, not going to lie, I still have the occasional disturbing dream leftover from reading Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery” when I was a junior in high school decades ago. The Hunger ...