K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.


Housing sales have slowed

November 10, 2022

Housing sales have definitely slowed!  Rising interest rates, seasonal slowdowns, and inflation have all caused the buyers to put on the brakes.  What can a seller do to make their home the one buyers want to look at in this season?  First is appropriate pricing....  now isnt the time to test the market.  If it is priced too high to begin with then when a reduction comes, as it must, it is still behind the eight ball.  This is referred to as trying to catch a falling knife.  Get the price right at the beginning!  

Seasonal slowdowns are just a fact of life.  Sellers can make sure their home exterior is well lit,  any holiday decorations are restrained, and walks are shoveled, leaves are raked and the exterior is inviting.  

Make sure any maintenance issues are taken care of.  Nobeody buys a home without asking for a home inspection.

The inspector will check to make sure the furnace is clean and in working order, so have a heating and cooling check up.  If there are any electrical or roofing issues, please take care of them.  Nothing cools off buyer interest like home repair issues.  

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