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Summer lawn care tips

August 08, 2021

1. Fertilize Warm-Season Grass

Fertilizing in the early summer can give your warm-season grass, which grows best at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, a boost to grow thick and healthy. Fertilizing at the right time can make your grass more heat- and drought-resistant.

2. Mow High

Mow the grass high to encourage strong root growth and heat tolerance. Taller grass provides more shade, keeping weeds from germinating and competing with your grass. Start by sharpening your mower blades. Dull blades will tear and shred your grass instead of giving it a clean cut

3. Treat For Pests

Insects may come out in full force in the summer—just keep in mind that not all of them will hurt your lawn. But if you see bugs like Japanese beetles, June bugs, and European chafers that will munch on your grass, causing wilting and bare patches, you’ll want to act. 

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