K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.


Why FSBO's are not as successful

October 13, 2020

Homeowners may be inclined to list their home on the For Sale By Owner website to avoid singing a listing agreement and having to stick with using an agent.  In some cases, this may work out okay for the seller and buyer, but in this competitive market FSBO's may not be as successful as homes listed with a licensed realtor.  Here are some reasons why:


1. Marketing.  Agents have paid marketing accounts through Zillow, Realtor and their local MLS.  These avenues of advertising reach lots of potential buyers.

2. Negotiating skills.  Okay so now an FSBO has landed a contract.  Does the seller have good negotiating skills and the expertise to handle repair requests?

3. Pricing. Agents are able to pull the most recent home sales and gather up all data to get an accurate market value on a property.  Sellers tend to think their house is the best on one the block, and will price it based on their value and not the more realistic market value.

4. Skills to keep everything on track! Sellers may think once a contract is signed that it's smooth sailing until closing day.  There are many moving parts that can be overlooked.  Is the seller making sure the other agent is working with the buyer's lender to ensure everything is on track? Do repairs need to be completed by a certain date?  Agents and their staff are on top of things to make sure their properties close on time and nothing holds it up.

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