5 Reasons to have a Home Inspection
September 26, 2018
It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of buying a new home and forget to make the important decision to have a home inspection conducted soon after you are under contract.Home inspections are an instrumental part of the homebuying process that can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.Here ...
Mobile Home Values Might Rise as Fast as Regular Homes—Here’s Why That Matters
September 24, 2018
Mobile Home Values Might Rise as Fast as Regular Homes—Here’s Why That MattersMany have long held the assumption that mobile homes don’t increase in value — or, at the very least, they rise in value at a much slower rate than traditional homes.But recent data suggests the opposite is true —and that could have ...
It's Fall Ya'll!!
September 17, 2018
Cooler temperatures and pretty soon falling leaves serve as a reminder that the fall is just around the corner. Even though summer is not over just yet, it’s a good time to do some seasonal maintenance. The weather can change quickly, especially if you live in a colder climate so you don’t want to be caught unprepared. ...
Inside Lending, by Matt Shuler
September 17, 2018
Brought to you by Matt ShulerDID YOU KNOW?... PropertyShark reports 83% of Generation Z (born1995 to 2010) plans to buy a home in the next five years and get this: the 'Instagram Generation' would sacrifice location and commuting distance for size and amenities. THIS WEEK'S FORECAST NEW HOMES GOING ...
Home Prices Have Appreciated 6.9% in 2018
September 16, 2018
Home Prices Have Appreciated 6.9% in 2018 Wednesday September 12th, 2018 For Sellers, Housing Market Updates, Move-Up Buyers, PricingBetween 1987 and 1999, which is often referred to as the ‘Pre-Bubble Period,’ home prices grew at an average of 3.6% according to the Home Price Expectation Survey.Every month, the economists at ...
Does Renting Make More Sense Than Buying A Home?
September 15, 2018
Some people don’t think buying a home makes sense. They feel like renting is a smarter move.On the other hand, some people think renting doesn’t make any sense.For the most part, arguing it one way or another is about as useful as arguing politics or religion — whatever “side” you’re on, you have ...
5 Home-Selling Tips Everyone Hears—and Should Ignore
September 15, 2018
One of the hardest parts of selling your home is all the unknowns: Who will buy your place, and for how much? How long will it take? That uncertainty might make you particularly eager to soak up advice from just about anyone who's willing to share. Problem is, just because your sister or co-worker swear by ...
It's time to set roots and enjoy timeless, luxurious living in the Lowcountry on Daufu
September 14, 2018
How to Care for Gutters
September 14, 2018
Keep gutters in top shape with these quick and simple maintenance tips.Owning a home puts lots of fun tasks on your agenda -- new paint, fresh decor, even a remodel or two. But rain gutters? That regular maintenance is one of the least fun things you "get" to tackle. But clogged gutters can do more than just ...
Hurricane Florence
September 14, 2018
The most important thing you can do as hurricane season approaches is to get yourself , your family and your home prepared. By starting early, you will avoid the rush at home supply stores, grocery stores and other venues typically crowded and often chaotic when hurricane watches and warnings are issued. Here are a few tips:Food and water: store ...
10 Common Title Problems
September 14, 2018
10 Common Title ProblemsHave you ever wondered why you need title insurance? Your home may be new to you, but every property has a history. A thorough title search can help uncover any title defects tied to your property. And, subject to the terms of the policy, your title insurance provides protection for you from title problems that may ...
10 steps to Buying a home
September 13, 2018
Buying a home: Buying a home in 10 stepsFebruary 15, 2018: 3:33 PM ET 1. Start with your credit. Credit reports are kept by the three major credit agencies, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. They show whether you are habitually late with payments and whether you have run into serious credit problems in the past.A credit score is ...
Documents required by most lenders to get loan approval
September 13, 2018
Documents required to submit your loan To Underwriting: Please have ready prior to accepted Contract. 1. Paystubs for most recent 30 days or last month or 28 day if paid weekly. Income from Social Security must include your December’s previous years Awards letter. The SSI office will provide for you if you ...
Storm and Hurricane Preparedness for Homeowners
September 13, 2018
The following is an a well-written, fairly comprehensive article by PETRO Home Services on preparing your home (and occupants) for storms and hurricanes. The original article can be found on the web at: https://www.petro.com/resource-center/storm-and-hurricane-preparedness-for-homeowners Storm and Hurricane Preparedness for Homeowners Hurricane season along the Eastern and Mid-Atlantic seaboard traditionally starts on June 1 and continues through November ...
September 12, 2018
One of the most overlooked costs of buying a home off the beaten path is private road maintenance. These roads are not to be confused with driveways. Instead, they are constructed and maintained by the homeowners along the stretch when there are no city or state roads to service the property.A private road is “often ...
September 2018 Newsletter
September 11, 2018
Always use a Pro!
September 11, 2018
More and more, we are seeing articles about sellers who are willing to sell you their home and offer seller financing. While this can be a valid and beneficial option, a buyer should always use legal council to close the transaction. Some states use title companies to close a Real Estate transaction, and some use an Attorney. Whichever ...
Limited Inventory “A Blessing in Disguise?”
September 11, 2018
Major holidays are over for a few weeks. Attention from the “real estate team” (sellers, buyers, lenders, list and sell agents) can focus more on the limited inventory in a persistent seller’s market. We all should be able to have more time to pursue the existing and limited inventory with more vigor and a sharper attention ...
Fall decorations for listings
September 11, 2018
Staging homes come with the seasons changing. Having your owners decorate the outside of their homes can enhance the curb appeal to their listings. What about foreclosures? Do you dare to decorate them? Most people will tell you no, why waist the time and money. This will be an expense you as the listing broker will have. But if ...
Characteristics of a Home Seller
September 11, 2018
Age Distribution of Sellers34 and less 14%35-55 42%56 and over ...
Singing in the Rain
September 11, 2018
Well the season is upon us for all the rainy weather. Do you sing in the rain or cry because it is raining? The opportunity to own a HUD foreclosure is like singing in the rain. The rain may bring unhappiness to some but to others the chance for life. HUD homes can provide the opportunity for some to ...
Weather-Storms and being Prepared Mobile Alabama
September 11, 2018
Weather-Storms and being Prepared Mobile Al.This is the time of year we have storms and crazy weather and tropical storms and hurricanes.Here in Mobile we take our signs out of the yard for bad weather and winds. This keeps our company signs from being blown into someone else house. We put them back out after the ...
September 2018 Middle Tennessee Market Update
September 10, 2018
In the Middle Tennessee area of Manchester, TN; the number of home sales is up 5% from last year to date. Even with limited inventory, not only the number of sales, but the sales price is increasing. Average home prices for 2018 are up 9.25% vs. 2017 year Thinking of purchasing a home or selling yours? Now is ...
Buying a Home Today Instead of Waiting
September 10, 2018
Here are four great reasons to consider buying a home today instead of waiting.1. Prices Will Continue to RiseCoreLogic’s latest Home Price Insights report reveals that home prices have appreciated by 6.2% over the last 12 months. The same report predicts that prices will continue to increase at a rate of 5.1% over the next ...
Home Organization Ideas
September 09, 2018
Here is a link to a home organization article!Love the jewelry closet idea!Copy and paste:https://www.houselogic.com/organize-maintain/storage-ideas-hacks/home-organization-ideas-clever-storage-small-houses/?site_ref=mosaic...