What Does the Recent COVID-19 Surge Mean for Your Home Buying Journey?
December 18, 2020
Real estate continues to flex its unprecedented strength in 2020, with home sales up 32 percent compared to this time last year. The housing boom can be attributed to mortgage rates – setting another all-time low for the 14th time this year. Historically low interest rates benefit both home buyers and sellers: enticing buyers to buy and alluring ...
Buying a HUD Owned Home During COVID-19
December 17, 2020
With COVID-19 it is a little more challenging buying a home. The good news is HUD owned homes are vacant, secure and easy to see with a little help of the listing agent. Be sure to reach out to the agent for how you can view the property comfortably. Many offer virutual tours, even live tours, so you can ...
How Can I Winterize My Vacant Home?
December 16, 2020
By Victoria Georgoff, Angie's List Contributor If you plan to leave a house vacant for winter, it's important to make sure your home is ready.With summer a distant memory and winter quickly closing in on fall, many snow birds are preparing to head south for the coldest months of the year.If you're planning to ...
How to Buy a Foreclosed Home
December 16, 2020
By Chris Kissell and Dawn PapandreaAS HOME PRICES SOAR IN many cities, buyers may look to foreclosures to land bargains on houses. Foreclosure happens when a borrower can no longer make mortgage payments, and the lender seizes and then sells the home to recover losses.Foreclosed homes are often sold for less than their market value.That discount could ...
Did you know the Hollywood sign was a publicity stunt to sell real estate?
December 15, 2020
The famous "Hollywood" sign in Los Angeles, CA was constructed in 1923 as a publicity stunt to sell real estate. #TheMoreYouKnowsubmitted by Paula Fields My Favorite Realty Inc. 336-543-8683 PFields2@triad.rr.com...
Looking For a New Place? Use This Time to Create Your Wishlist
December 15, 2020
Now that many of us have spent many months living inside, we’ve become quite familiar with our homes — in some cases, maybe too familiar. If you were planning to move before COVID-19, and still plan to do so when the timing is right, you might want to take this time to reflect on what’s working and ...
3 Reasons to Be Optimistic about Real Estate in 2021
December 14, 2020
This year will be remembered for many reasons, and optimism is one thing that’s been in short supply since the spring. We’re experiencing a global pandemic, social unrest, an economic downturn, and natural disasters, just to name a few. The challenges brought on by the health crisis have also forced many homeowners to reevaluate their space and ...
More Black Millennials Are Becoming Homeowners
December 14, 2020
Black millennial Americans are increasingly becoming homeowners. Black adults between the ages of 26 and 39 have led recent increases in African American homeownership rates, according to a recent analysis of data from the National Association of REALTORS®.Five percent of African Americans purchased homes during the first three months of 2020, which is up by 1% compared to ...
Simple Tips to Winterize Your Home!
December 14, 2020
Window Insulation Film It may not be the most fashionable tip, but window insulation film can keep up to 70% of heat from leaking out of the windows. You won't mind the appearance when you're toasty warm in your house!Draft Guards In a drafty room, heat escapes under the door. When winterizing your house, place draft ...
Is it Worth It to List Your House During the Winter in 2020-2021
December 11, 2020
If you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably kicking around the idea of selling your home during the “off season.” That’s right: Winter is considered the “off season” when it comes to selling real estate. You may even be wondering if you missed your shot during the summer, or if you’ll still ...
6 Reasons Why December is a Good Month to Buy a Home
December 11, 2020
Most people cringe at the thought of buying a home in December. Only the Grinch would want to pack up and moving during the holiday season! But hold on Cindy Lou Hoo, there are several reasons December can be a great time to buy.1. Sellers are highly motivated. People who are listing their homes in December ...
Low Downpayments
December 11, 2020
As you're aware, saving for a down payment is one of the biggest obstacles to homeownership. But according to a National Association of Realtors® survey, 74% of first-time homebuyers put less than 20% down.Footnote1 This should come as encouraging news to any client who's looking to purchase their first home.The idea of the American dream ...
Why It Makes Sense to Sell Your House This Holiday Season
December 10, 2020
Why It Makes Sense to Sell Your House This Holiday Season If you’re one of the many homeowners thinking about taking your house off the market for the holidays, hang on. You definitely don’t want to miss the great selling opportunity you have right now. Here’s why this month is the optimal time to make sure ...
3 Safe Holiday Gift Giving Tips You Can Practice This Year
December 10, 2020
2020 is a bit hellacious, but it doesn't and shouldn't stop us from spreading holiday cheers - virtually, that is. Here are our Top 3 Gift Giving Tips for this year's holiday season.Shop online and ship swiftly and early. Technology and e-commerce have made it easy and convenient for busy people to still personally shop ...
15 Ways to Save on Heating Costs
December 09, 2020
Keeping your home warm in the winter shouldn't leave you broke. Use these 15 tips to save on heating costs.01of 15Dress for Cold Weather Fred Paul/Photographer's Choice/Getty ImagesDress in layers; slap a pair of slippers on your feet, and add a hat to complete your "stay warm" ensemble.02of 15Decorate for Warmth Bjorn Vinter/Getty ImagesWhen ...
Make your home smell like Christmas
December 09, 2020
Try this simple recipe to make your home smell like Christmas:CranberriesSliced orangesClovesCinnamon sticksFresh pineWaterThrow it all in a pot and simmer on low, adding water as needed. Just make sure you do this while you are at home to tend to it. There is no specific measurement of each ingredient, just toss in what you have of ...
5 Decorating Trends For This Holiday Season
December 08, 2020
5 Decorating Trends for this holiday seasonCredit goes to Melissa Dittmann Tracey...
Planning for 2021
December 05, 2020
As we approach the end of 2020, I would like to join into the collective, Whew! Looking toward next year, lets ask ourselves, “How can we have a better year than last year”?Should we have written goals? Great question. The answer is; If you want to give yourself the best chance to accomplish your goals, they ...
Did you know?
December 01, 2020
#TheMoreYouKnowThe famous "Hollywood" sign in Los Angeles, CA was constructed in 1923 as a publicity stunt to sell real estate. Submitted by Paula Fields with My Favorite Realty Inc. 336-543-8683 PFields2@triad.rr.com...
Investors Vie for Build-to-Rent Single-Family Homes
December 01, 2020
December 1, 2020More subdivisions of new single-family rental homes are emerging amid the pandemic as renters are drawn to the extra space in the suburbs. Investors are backing the "build-to-rent" homes under construction across the country on the assumption that the trend of renters looking to upsize from their smaller urban apartments will continue.This year, about 55,...
Closing Costs - 101
December 01, 2020
December 01, 2020
How we use our homes, where we live, and who lives with us have all changed as a result of COVID-19. While the initial lockdowns may have delayed the spring real estate market, a recent survey from the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) showed nine out of ten REALTORS® now feel their markets are in recovery mode.We’...
Tips for First-Time Home Buyers
December 01, 2020
Preparing to buy tips1. Start saving earlyHere are the main costs to consider when saving for a home:Down payment: Your down payment requirement will depend on the type of mortgage you choose and the lender. Some conventional loans aimed at first-time home buyers with excellent credit allow as little as 3% down. But even a small down payment can ...
Common Questions About FHA Mobile Home Loans
December 01, 2020
FHA home loan options include FHA mortgages for mobile homes. You can buy a mobile home, manufactured home, or modular home using an FHA mortgage and there are many common questions about this type of FHA mortgage option.What Does the FHA Define As A Manufactured Home?The FHA official site describes a mobile home (also known as a ...
Tips for photos
November 30, 2020
When it comes to listing photos, more is better—but only if those photos are good. Plan to take photos of each of the main rooms of the home, at least one exterior photo and additional shots of your home’s marketable details, like wainscoting or crown molding, a swimming pool, a stone paver driveway, etc. ...