What not to store in the basement.
February 15, 2019
Ah, the joys of having a below-ground level to your home. It might offer you a bonus space to transform into a family room or guest bedroom, or even just provide the right amount of square footage to use for short- and long-term storage. But basements and storage don’t always make for happy home partners.Some basements - ...
WHAT TO KNOW About Credit Scores
February 15, 2019
Credit scores range between 200 and 850, with scores above 620 considered desirable for obtaining a mortgage. The following factors affect your score:Your payment history.Did you pay your credit card bills on time? Bankruptcy filing, liens, and collection activity also affect your history. How much you owe and where. If you owe a great deal of money ...
How Long Will Your House Last?
February 15, 2019
Love is in the air!
February 14, 2019
There has never been a better time to show the one you love just how much they mean to you by welcoming them into their new forever home!!! ...
11 Ways to Sell Your Home Faster (WITHOUT Dropping the Price)
February 14, 2019
From leaving the house for showings and open houses to having to keep the place spotless at all times, having a home on the market can be a nerve-wracking endeavor. Once you’ve made the decision to sell, you want to know that you won’t be in this anxiety-filled limbo forever. You want to hand over those keys, ...
REALTORS® and the Qualified Business Deduction Rule by Tony Smith, Wanda Smith & Associates
February 14, 2019
Unless you’re new to planet Earth, you are aware that tax-time is just around the corner (if you are new to planet Earth, Welcome! Tax time is just around the corner. Please recycle and always tip your server). In January of 2017, a new law regarding business deductions took effect. It’s known as The Qualified Business Deduction ...
How to Prepare Your Home This Winter for a Successful Spring Sale by Sharon Lee
February 14, 2019
If you are planning to sell your home next spring, why not get a jumpstart during the fall /winter season so you have more time and less stress while preparing? An added plus is that your home could potentially be ready to list in time for the early spring selling season at the end of January when the market ...
Cold weather danger!
February 13, 2019
During this cold that we are experiencing, unfortunately some folks have resorted to unconventional methods for heat. Just this morning a friend posted on social media that their Carbon Monoxide detector went off at 2 o’clock in the morning. Someone had accidently left a burner burning on a gas stove. While this was an accident, there have been ...
The KonMari Method: Helping You Prep Your House For Sale
February 13, 2019
One of the biggest challenges sellers face when listing their house is decluttering. Cleaning out some of the more personal decorating choices allows buyers to imagine themselves living in the house.Those planning to sell soon are in luck! Marie Kondo, the inventor of the KonMari Method of Tidying Up, has gained popularity with her new Netflix series. ...
9 Surprising Things That Add Value to Your House
February 12, 2019
9 Surprising Things That Add Value to Your HouseFebruary 12, 2019 What do surf breaks, Walmarts, and public transportation have in common? Being near any of them can add thousands to your home’s value.At least that’s what various university researchers have found based on their evaluation of variables that could be influencing home prices. ...
Love language in Real Estate
February 12, 2019
According to Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, there are 5 love languages that people will express and experience. They include: Receiving giftsQuality timeWords of affirmationActs of service(devotion)Physical touchKnowing your personal love language and also being able to infer other ...
This love month, spend a romantic dining experience in Beaufort's top 3 most romantic restaurants!
February 12, 2019
February 12, 2019
How are millennial combating affordability issues?Top of Form Bottom of FormWhile it’s been confirmed by numerous studies that millennial are now officially in the market to purchase their first homes (and perhaps their first move-up homes), new research shows that some will take the plunge somewhat differently than preceding generations.In a survey of 1,000 people, ...
Planning to Buy a Home in 2019?
February 11, 2019
Is Your Home Ready For Spring?
February 11, 2019
Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring! It’ll be here before we know it (and for some of us around the country it couldn’t come sooner!) Follow the tips below to make sure your home is ready for spring.Clean Your GuttersGrab a ladder and check your gutters for debris. Remove as much as you can with ...
The Truth About Renting
February 11, 2019
Master Brokers | February 2019 |828-850-0142You will buy a house in your lifetime. The question is: who will you buy it for? Will you buy the home for you or your landlord? When you rent, you are paying for your landlords’ house!It is a fact: Unless you plan to live in a ...
Punxsutawney Phil Weather Forecast
February 10, 2019
It may only be weather legend, but Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on Groundhog Day. Phil has predicted an early spring for us all, but do not get too excited, he is usually wrong. After the bone-chilling temperatures, we have recently experienced, an early spring is good news. Should mean good housing market....
One More Time...You Don't Need 20%Down to Buy a Home!
February 07, 2019
1 One More Time… You Do Not Need 20% Down To Buy A HomeThe largest obstacle renters face when planning to buy a home is saving for a down payment. This challenge is amplified by rising rents, which has eaten into the amount of money renters have leftover for savings each month after paying expenses.In combination with higher ...
Tips for First-Time Home Buyers
February 06, 2019
Tips for First-Time Home Buyershttps://www.daveramsey.com/blog/tips-for-first-time-home-buyersBeing a first-time home buyer is exciting! But I know it can also feel overwhelming—especially when you see median listings priced at $297,000 and available homes flying off the market in 55 days.(1)With real estate trends like those, you might be tempted to make an impulsive purchase that could hurt ...
The Farmhouse Trend
February 06, 2019
The farmhouse style, both in architecture and in décor, has gained popularity over the past couple of years. Designers may be hoping this trend is over for 2019 but plenty of homes are still being built or remodeled with this style. Some homeowners just love the simple design and even if they do not live in ...
What You Should Know About Using Home Equity
February 06, 2019
What To Consider Before Buying A Home With Your Significant Other
February 04, 2019
Buying a home and living together with a significant other is a logical step for lots of relationships. It’s an exciting milestone and is something you may have been looking forward to for a long time. While it is exciting, it can also be incredibly stressful and potentially difficult. In fact, many have said it is the most ...
Signs That You May Have Termites
February 03, 2019
Signs That You May Have TermitesTermites can be incredibly destructive to a home, causing damage before occupants even realize it. Common areas for termite problems include:Utility pipesWalkways bordered by wood chipsMoist areas close to the home’s foundation, such as those near guttersCrawlspacesThere are some signs that may indicate you need to call a pest control professional. When you ...
How Different Generations Approach Buying a Home
February 03, 2019
SUSAN KELLEHERJAN 18, 2019 4 MINUTE READWhen it comes to home buying and selling, each generation has its own style. How buyers search for a home, what they look for and how they pay for it is often tied to where they are in their life’s journey.That’s not to say that all members of a generation ...
Mold or Mildew
February 01, 2019
Is it Mold or is it Mildew?Is it mold or is it mildew? These terms are so commonly interchanged, that most don’t know that they are different. There are certainly some similarities, but the one distinguishing difference is that mildew is simpler to combat. If your invader is mold, then you have a much more serious problem ...