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HUD Articles

Tips to get your property "Winter Ready"

November 14, 2019

Important home maintenance before winter

It is almost that time, to start turning down thermostats, breaking out the fuzzy blankets and cozying up near a hearth to enjoy chilly nights. Transitioning from one of the hottest seasons in year to a forecasted icy winter can affect your home more than you might think.

Home maintenance covers an array of tasks for homeowners but we will be focusing on tasks which help homeowners save money, clean, and take safety precautions.

Homeowners are always trying to save on utilities and for good reason, while the cost of living has increased over the years, most yearly salaries and employer benefits have either stagnated or remained stable.   Improperly sealed windows and doors are a big money waster. A simple but helpful trick to test and see if you have properly sealed windows or doors, is to run a candle around the seams of your windows or doors; if you noticed a flickering near a seal, follow up with some caulk or weather sealing tape. This simple solution can help save 5-15% on heating and cooling bills!

A great way to prepare for upcoming seasons is a quick clean. Some homeowners are surprised to learn that the cleaning and regular maintenance leads to more efficiently running systems. A good cleaning helps prepare you for the changes of the season and schedules while also creating a better living environment. A great list to begin with is: changing all air filters, unclogging drains, cleaning the gutters, cleaning dryer vents and also, water heater flushing. All tasks mentioned can be knocked out in a weekend but the benefits will last all season.

Safety is major concern for homeowners for not only their property but their family. Homeowners work hard for what they have, it is important to protect it accordingly. Home alarm systems are a fantastic way to gain piece of mind. Some home alarm systems also have features that can control the lights and thermostat level, which also can decrease overall bill amounts.

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