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HUD Articles

Five Tips to selling your home during the "slow season"

December 05, 2017

Five Tips to selling your home during the “slow season”

We have all heard the “don’t list your home now, it’s the slow season!” Well, I would beg to differ on that logic! There are some of the most serious buyers looking during fall and winter months. Most sellers don’t get as many “tire kicker” buyers wasting time looking at their house! Here are five tips to selling your home during those winter months!


1) Find a Good REALTOR-it seems like everyone knows someone with their real estate license nowadays. Selling your home with a good agent usually means it will sell faster and for more money in your pocket. There are a lot of agents who don’t study the market and have the resources or knowledge to market and advertise in new avenues with today’s technology. It is important to interview at least three agents. Ask them good questions about their sales and marketing plan for your home. TIP: don’t hire an agent based off a value; market value should be the same from agent to agent.

2) Price it right- Overpricing during the slower market can cost you thousands of dollars. It is very important to look at your home value with an unbiased opinion. Buyers aren’t going to consider your home worth much more than the one that sold down the street, regardless of your newly installed crown molding and fresh carpet. TIP: Price a little under market value will get you way more traffic and usually gets you offers over list price.

3) Curb appeal- I know, how can you possibly have curb appeal in the dead of winter! Add small pops of color with a potted plant (in a colorful planter), a yard flag and fresh pine straw/mulch. Be sure to cut back the dying foliage so everything doesn’t look brown and dingy!

4) Create an inviting setting-if you home is occupied then here is your chance to make the buyer feel right at home. If you have a gas fireplace, light it! If you can, bake some cookies, open the blinds, turn on the lights (maybe just low lights like lamps or dim the recessed lighting) and burn a candle!

5) First Offer Rule-If you get an offer in the first week, think hard before turning it down in hopes that you will get more money later. Statistics show that generally your first offer is your best!

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