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HUD Articles

Now is the time to buy! Ways to improve your credit score..

August 12, 2019



Now more than ever is a great time to buy in the real estate market. Why? Because mortgage rates are dropping, making it the best fiscal time to purchase a home or investment property. However, if you find yourself in a position like a lot of Americans can relate to: having a poor credit score; don’t get down, because there are a lot of ways to repair your credit so you can enjoy much lower rates. For example, a great habit to start that will continue improving your credit score over time is making all payments on time. Also, paying off any balances, or removing any collection accounts will help. Keeping debt to income ratio low is a great way to stay on top of your fico score, too. Another interesting tip is to become an authorized user on accounts of close friends or family that have good credit; this can help your credit standing as well. Making sure any credit errors are fixed with the help of a re-scorer by your mortgage lender is another great way to make sure you win the bid for that dream home! Normally, a minimum score of 620 is necessary to purchase a home, so if you aren't quite there yet, keep trying and making little improvements over time and you should be able to enjoy the spoils of a low interest rate soon!

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