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HUD Articles

Beware of Yellow Jackets at your listing

July 03, 2019

Entomologists are warning the public to beware of giant colonies of nests that may have multiplied by the thousands in places that had milder winters this year.

In Alabama, a colony of 15,000 stinging yellow jackets—the size of a Volkswagen Beetle—was found attached to a home that spanned 7 feet wide along the wall. Entomologists are warning that the conditions are right for such massive swarms to pop up again this summer.

Yellow jacket nests are usually found in the ground or a cavity. They may peak at up to 5,000 worker bees. Usually yellow jackets don’t survive the colder months. But milder winters may have allowed surviving multiple queen bees to produce up to 20,000 eggs each.

Yellow jackets can sting repeatedly, unlike honey bees. They also tend to attack in large numbers.

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