K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

The importance of education in Real Estate.

June 12, 2019

     During the recent Real Estate market phase, it seems like a lot of people have decided to become Real Estate agents.

I say hats off to you! Congratulations on embarking on a new and exciting career.

    If you are one of these folks, please allow me to pass on a couple of tips that will make your professional life a lot easier and less stressful.

First, whenever you have an opportunity to take classes, take them. Even if you think that you may never use the course content, it may come into play one day, and you will likely be thankful that you attended the training. Real Estate has so many opportunities, it is hard to predict where each transaction may take you.

Second, learn as much about the Real Estate procedures and documents as possible. Know what a deed is and what is done with it. The same with notes, mortgages, taxes and liens.  These are all important parts of Real Estate transactions, so the more you know, the more confidence will show through.

There are places online that you may study these subjects and documents, but there is really no substitute for having a mentor that you may sit with and ask questions to.

When you understand details, you can do a much better job of representing your clients.

Here’s wishing you great success! 

Mick Kuehn

Southern Breezes Real Estate

North Charleston S.C.

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