Allergy season is here and it's not pretty.

While most people are eager to take advantage of the warmer spring weather, allergy sufferers, more than 26 milliomn Americans, know there's an invisible danger that lurks outside waiting to attack: your friendly neighborhood pollen here to ruin your day. 

Allergy medicines and nasal rinses seem to be the go-to for dealing with allergies, but there are other not-so-common precautions people can take to deal with their symptoms. Here are five different ways you can combat your allergy symptoms so they don't ruin your fun.

Take a shower

Showering may already be a part of your daily routine, but allergists recommenincrease the frequency. You should also change clother at least a couple times a day


Wash your face

Although a full shower is recommended by allergists to completely remove the pollen off your body, carrying around a wet wipe can help too.

Going over your face and exposed body parts with a cleansing wipe will remove at least some of the allergens. Wiping your face is also helpful because you’re "wiping the pollen off,


Mia Strazzeri, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at AtlantiCare Physician Group in Somers Point, N.J., says that dehydration enhances allergy symptoms, and drinking more water and staying hydrated will help to reduce your symptoms.

Strazzeri also recommends drinking green and ginger tea as they help "reduce mast cell production," which is responsible for allergic reactions She says those teas can lessen allergy flare ups. 



Experts suggest safeguarding your home and car from unwanted pollen by leaving windows closed and rolled up.