K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

Look around

December 14, 2018

Happy December! Wow, this year has gone by so quickly.

It seems like it was just last week that I was talking with a neighbor about how hot it was, and how the cool weather of fall was going to feel wonderful.

In the blink of an eye, it is now December!

When I stop to think about the past 6 months or so, I realize that I have not given any thought to the quarter mile radius around my house. The neighborhood, my neighbors, family and friends.

I hope that I get to slow down the hectic day to day grind and take some time to appreciate and visit with everyone. This is what I believe is truly important.

Let’s all be thankful for our home, and the people that we are surrounded with.

My wish for you is that you find the ability to destress, reconnect with the people that mean the most to you and make a new friend.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Southern Breezes Real Estate in Charleston SC. 

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