K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

Broker Spotlight - Carolina Pines Realty

September 14, 2016

Beth Ross, BIC

Well, here I sit, trying to justify my time on the computer instead of reading more recruiting material for gaining new agents or more marketing material on the newest and best ways to market HUD Properties.

Then it hit me, blogging is going to be the best way for anyone to get their words of wisdom out into the clouds so they can filter down to the masses!

Trying to think of things to blog about and I have decided that blogging is a great item to blog about! I will give you my rendition of what a good blog should be.

  1. Timely in material matter
  2. Grammar and spelling are important
  3. It's ok to talk about things that you are good at
    Selling HUD Homes
    Selling REO Homes
    Doing BPO's
    Recruiting new agents
    How to market hard to sell properties
    What to say (and more important) what Not to say to your asset manager
    Education and designations
    wow, this list can go on
  4. Keep the blog short or at least somewhat informative to maintain your audiences level of interest instead of putting them to sleep.
  5. It's ok to use humor in your blogging
  6. It is ok to make mistakes
  7. It is ok to accept and give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism
  8. It is ok to agree to disagree - all of us are never going to see eye to eye and that is why this business is so wonderful
  9. You don't have to spend the entire night blogging on one thing or even a bunch of things. It's ok to write, copy and paste into your other sites that you blog on.
  10. During your open houses come up with good topics to write about and use your down time to come up with new ideas
  11. Ask your colleagues, clients, and even your family what topics might interest them - you'd be surprised, but keep them clean please!!
  12. Don't feel pressured to write a blog just to keep a blog on a page for the day, it's ok to take a day off!

Well, this is my blog for the day and even if you got just one idea from it or used it as a tool of what NOT to blog about, that's ok too. Then I have been successful in my endeavors for the day.

I hope you all have a Better Than Great Day!!


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