K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

20 Ways To Keep Motivated While Moving

June 04, 2018


1. Stop Endless “Mind Chatter”. Stay Focused In The Moment.
Under stress, your mind can become an endless recording of negative
chatter. “I can’t do this.” “I should have done that.” “What if this
doesn’t work?” “What if that happens?” In an effort to halt such an
energy drain, try staying focused in the moment. Concentrate fully on
the activity at hand. Act deliberately. Be aware of how things feel,
smell, sound, taste. Eventually, the chatter will fade. Once this
happens, your mind quiets down and you will discover more inner

2. Eliminate Distractions
When you are absorbed in a task that absolutely must be completed,
only a dire emergency should stand in your way. Don’t allow yourself
to become sidetracked and pulled off balance. Turn off the television
and the radio. Let your answering machine pick up your phone
messages. Leave a note on the front door asking friends to return
later at a specific time.


3. Establish Your Boundaries
A boundary is an imaginary line. Draw it around your “personal
space” in order to protect your values and beliefs from the
unacceptable behaviour of others. Once this boundary is in place,
you must be prepared to maintain it - particularly in times of stress. A
wobbly boundary will only lead to resentment, confusion and
frustration for all involved. A firm boundary acts as a guideline for
others, letting them know what you will and what you will not tolerate.

4. Know Your Limitations When Setting Goals
It is all very jolly to arbitrarily set goals to help you achieve your
targets. However, having goals that are unrealistic and too difficult to
achieve, will only create more stress … along with feelings of guilt
(which you definitely don’t need in your life). Know your limitations.
Know when enough is enough. Be proud of small achievements and
don’t risk going into overwhelm.


5. Clearly Establish The Outcome
When surrounded by a large number of tasks to perform, take one and
start with the end result first. What is the outcome you wish to achieve?
Once this is clearly established in your mind (and on paper!), you will have
a much clearer route for arriving at that particular destination.

6. Have Contingency Plans
Since you will be thinking about worst case scenarios anyway, take the
time to actually write them down. Now, come up with two different
contingency plans for each “horrific happening”. Commit them to writing.
Then put the paper away in a safe place. Your mind is once again free to
concentrate on more positive matters.

7. Do What You Don’t Want To Do … First
You might have to break it down into manageable portions, but get it out of
the way right at the beginning. You will feel positively airborne when you
have this behind you, rather than in your face!

8. Forget Trying To Multi-Task
Some can. Most can’t. Trying to do more than one thing at a time can
spell frustration. You can’t find where you put something. You’re not sure
whether you labeled something. You can’t recall phoning someone.
Better to totally focus on one thing at a time. It doesn’t seem as
invigorating as packing 6 boxes while preparing lunch and speaking on the
phone to the moving company … however ….

9. Solve Problems, Immediately
Problems happen. When they do, pounce on them. Do battle with them.
They will never “just go way”. Instead, problems mysteriously multiply. By
the end of the week, instead of one, you now have seven hundred and
fifty-five!! So, eliminate them as soon as they rear up.

10. Be Flexible
Things don’t always go exactly according to plan. Plan A goes missing.
Plan B actually becomes Plan D. Was there ever a Plan C? Allow for
flexibility. Forcing things to work according to a pre-determined schedule
is totally anti-productive and extremely exhausting.

11. When Things Become A Struggle – Halt!
When you find that you just can’t stand whatever task you are performing
… STOP. Keep the blood pressure down by taking a guilt-free time out.
Sit in the garden. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Or my particular
favorite, climb into the car and just “hit the road” for 30 minutes. Allow
time for your energy level to rise back up.


12. Honor Yourself
First things first. You are not a machine!! Make sure you schedule “down
times” that are entirely selfish. Arrange to do something that you want to
do. Get a massage. Visit the horse races. Walk in the woods. Curl up
with a cup of hot chocolate and a murder mystery. It doesn’t have to be
extravagant or expensive … unless a weekend in Paris is the only thing
that will rejuvenate you!!!

13. Plan A Fun Activity With The Family
Remember that there are more important things in life then sifting, sorting,
cleaning and packing. In order to fend off family squabbles and mood
downers … plan something fun that you can all do in the evenings. It is
crucial to maintain this happy balance in your lives, right now. What you
decide upon need not be anything complicated or time consuming. It
might only take 10 minutes. Try being spontaneous. See who can be the
first person to make the rest of you laugh! Or plan to try new take-out
food. Or rent “the worst” video you can find. Or …..

14. Chat With A Friend
If you have friends who are non-judgmental, who love and respect you no
matter what sort of a predicament you are currently in … having them on
the other end of the phone can be very soothing. There are times when
you will need to hear that solid and balanced point-of-view from someone
who hasn’t packed all the shoes and cutlery by mistake.


15. Delegate!
Nobody can do everything by himself or herself. If you have a family,
make sure they aren’t sitting on the sidelines. Get them all involved, each
with a clear set of instructions. However, it might also be time to enlist the
help of a professional organizer, house cleaner or contractor. Anything
you are doing that you are not excelling at … should be on the “Delegation
List”. This will free up your precious time to concentrate on the top priority
tasks and any emergencies.


16. Create a “Quiet Zone”
Designate one room where you can go to just “be quiet”. No phone, no
doorbells, no computer, no television. Try locating a comfortable chair by
a window in the spare bedroom. When the door is shut, it means that
someone is in there and does not want to be disturbed. Just one
regulation however, you must eventually come back out. No fair staying in
there for 24 hours!! A strong possibility if you live alone!!!

17. Take A “Helicopter” Point Of View
When you find that stress is winning … its time to change your
perspective. Move a few steps away from where you are. Imagine you
are looking down on the scene from above. How does it look? Can you
see yourself fighting with the bubble paper and the carton that won’t open?
Does if seem less crazy from up here? What do you now feel is most
important? What are you going to tell yourself when you “land”?


18. Drink Lots Of Water
Perhaps a strange tip … However, without your 6-8 glasses of water a
day, you will start to suffer the effects of dehydration. Dehydration will
block your ability to stay alert. This is not what you want!

19. Keep To A Regular Pattern For Going To Bed
Your body has a rhythm. When gets it all jumbled up, it will retaliate by
leaving your mind feeling equally jumbled up! However, by maintaining a
regular pattern for going to bed, you should waken feeling restored,
refreshed and ready for another day.

20. Maintain A Gratitude Journal
Stop groaning. Each night make a list of at least five things you are
thankful for. Sometimes it can be a struggle. You might have a page that
simply reflects that you are grateful for actually getting out of bed. You are
grateful for locating the coffee in the kitchen and a mug to drink it out of!
You are grateful for not having driven over the dog asleep in the driveway.
And, of course, you are grateful that your foot has only suffered a bruise
and not a sprain when the books fell. Just five things. Each evening. You
can do it!! And it will start to create wonderful things in your life.

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