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HUD Articles

Holiday buyers

December 06, 2023

It is well known in real estate that people who are looking at homes now, during the holidays, usually are more apt to be needing a new home now.  Most buyers dont start out looking in Novemeber and December, they always wait till spring.

Sellers whould know that each showing in November, December and January, will usually have a buyer that needs to buy soon.  This is the time to get the property sold.

That being said, sellers with property on the market now, should be asked by their realtor not to overdecorate.

Buyers need to concentrate on the house, not the decorations.  A dazzling display of lights on the exteror is great, but hard to look around if you are unfamiliar with the home and want to see the roof.

Sellers can light scented candles, maybe bake some cookies, and have the fireplace going.  All of that creates a welcoming ambiance.

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