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HUD Articles

Updated or Remodeled? Which Is It?

April 11, 2018

Updated or Remodeled |Master Brokers | 828-726-9180

When viewing homes, people often have expectations based on the description.   To eliminate confusion and frustration when viewing homes, descriptions should be very specific as to the items that have been replaced or the recent work that has been performed on a home.  Below are definitions of such terms that are used according to the Uniform Appraisal Dataset in accordance with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 

 “Not Updated.   Little or no updating or modernization.   This description includes, but is not limited to, new homes. Residential properties of fifteen years of age or less often reflect an original condition with no updating, if no major components have been replaced or updated. Those over fifteen years of age are also considered not updated if the appliances, fixtures, and finishes are predominantly dated. An area that is ‘Not Updated’ may still be well maintained and fully functional, and this rating does not necessarily imply deferred maintenance or physical/functional deterioration.

Updated.   The area of the home has been modified to meet current market expectations. These modifications are limited in terms of both scope and cost.  An updated area of the home should have an improved look and feel, or functional utility. Changes that constitute updates include refurbishment and/or replacing components to meet existing market expectations.   Updates do not include significant alterations to the existing structure.

Remodeled.   Significant finish and/or structural changes have been made that increase utility and appeal through complete replacement and/or expansion.   A remodeled area reflects fundamental changes that include multiple alterations.  These alterations may include some or all of the following: replacement of a major component (cabinet(s), bathtub, or bathroom tile), relocation of plumbing/gas fixtures/appliances, significant structural alterations (relocating walls, and/or the addition of square footage).  This would include a complete gutting and rebuild. “

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