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HUD Articles

Pollen season is here!!

April 09, 2018

The cold snowy winter may be behind us but that means pollen season is upon us!  If you suffer during pollen season, you are not alone.  A personal bubble to put yourself in during peak pollen season would be great, but not very practical.  However, there are some things you can do to help reduce your exposure, keep it from coming into your house and help manage your allergies.

Keep your windows closed!  It’s very tempting to open all the windows on a beautiful spring day, but screens cannot keep pollen from drifting into your house.  Keeping the windows closed applies to your car too.  The pollen counts are highest on dry windy days, but lowest right after a good rainfall.  Pay attention to when your local pollen counts are the highest and remain vigilant on those days to reducing your exposure.  Pollen counts are also higher in the mornings between 5 and 10 am.  Try to keep the windows closed during that time and stay indoors.

Take a shower before you go to bed!  This keeps your bed linens from being polluted with pollen.  Also, wash all your bed linens in hot water once a week.

Wear a mask!  When doing outdoor chores like gardening or mowing, wear a mask to prevent breathing in grass or weed pollen that’s stirring in the air.

Remove your shoes before entering your house!  Not only will it keep your floors cleaner, but it will prevent pollen from being tracked through every room of your house.  Drop your jackets and shoes in an entryway or laundry room, or even in the garage before you enter the house.

Change your air filters!  This goes for both your house AND your car.  This will help trap any pollen particles that could be stirring in the air.  Replacing your filters is also better for your HVAC system.

Use home remedies:

Try a neti pot!  It may seem odd, but it’s the best way to clear out any irritants in your sinuses that can become worse if they’re allowed to linger there.

Take a teaspoon of local honey each day, which is said to help you ingest local pollen and in turn helping you to become less sensitive to the pollen in the air and reduce your allergy symptoms.

If all else fails, there are plenty of over the counter allergy medicines that can be taken daily to help lessen the severity of symptoms.

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