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Keys to Buying A Home in a Seller’s Market | Nancy Braun on Charlotte Today (WCNC - NBC)

April 06, 2018

Nancy Braun Shares Keys to Buying A Home in a Seller’s Market


Are you searching for your next home?  

Get expert tips from Nancy Braun, the top real estate agent in Charlotte NC, as she talks about the keys to buying a home in a seller’s market,  on Charlotte Today at WCNC NBC. 

Watch the full interview now, click below.


Buying a home in a seller’s market can be a bit more challenging. According to Nancy, a buyer has to move fast and be prepared to write a strong, flexible offer. Expect that there will be multiple offers, cash offers, and bidding wars. 

In this type of market, there are more buyers than there are homes available for sale. There will be fierce competition. So, how in the world do you set yourself apart from the rest of the buyers?

Here is where Nancy’s expertise can help you!

She highlights the importance of knowing what the sellers are looking for and finding out as much as you can about the sellers’ situation. With the information, she offers her clients advice regarding the best way to approach the seller, and  how and what to offer.

She also mentions the necessity of writing a personal letter and how it can be a deciding factor for sellers. The “love letter” gives the buyers the opportunity to connect with the sellers on a personal level, and explain why they want the home and why their offer should be chosen. 

For more information on buying and selling Charlotte NC real estate, call  Nancy Braun at (704) 997-3794 or visit ShowcaseRealty.net.

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