K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

Negotiating and "bargaining chips"

August 31, 2022

Things to tell your seller when it comes to negotiating:

As a seller, you can use extras as "bargaining chips".  You may make counteroffers that include appliances and other incentives for the buyer to agree to a higher price. This is a particularly useful strategy when the demand for homes in your neighbourhood is weak and prices are low.

When you’re selling your home, consider what you’re willing to throw in to sweeten the deal, and what items are “off limits.”

Here are some items you may want to consider using as leverage:

Major appliances: washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher

Draperies, curtains, blinds, and shutters

Custom-built furniture: bookcases or shelves that fit a particular spot in the house

Barbeque or fire pit

Patio furniture: planters, garden benches, and ornaments

Garden shed

Lawnmower, power washer, leaf vacuum, or other maintenance equipment

Recreational equipment, such as ping-pong and pool tables, above-ground pools, trampolines, climbers, swing sets, and hot tubs

A year of landscaping, pool cleaning, or maid service


The decision-making process is relatively simple if you consider what items you are willing to part. Also, consider how often you use movable items and the cost of replacement.


You can offer many other kinds of incentives. A buyer may request an incentive in the transaction. It’s all part of the negotiation.


Buyer requests or seller incentives may include:


Reduction of the asking price

Seller-paid points

Help with the down payment

Help with closing costs

Offering to close in a short time

Offering or transferring a home warranty


The list is extensive if you get creative, so discuss each of these with your listing agent before agreeing with a buyer.


NOTE: There may be restrictions placed on the real estate agent because of agency laws. There are also lender limits on buyer credits — and they MUST be properly disclosed — so be sure to stay within the limit of local, state, and national laws..




Homes that do not sell for extended periods of time are usually priced too high or are too pricey for the neighborhood. Strategic pricing will always be the top reason homes sell successfully.


Here is a list of other common reasons that homes do not sell:

The home is too cluttered. Piles and stacks of stuff discourage buyers.

The home interior is dated. Old styles, trimming or flooring deter sales, and so do any upgrades necessary to freshen up the decor.

The homeowner is not flexible with showings. Plan ahead to ensure kids, pets, and you are ready to show at any time.

The home is located in an abandoned development. 

The real estate agent did not provide a sufficiently aggressive marketing plan.

The real estate agent did not perform the Comparative Market Analysis correctly and failed to provide strategic pricing for the home.

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