K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

Case Study: Preservation and Maintenance Services

May 12, 2022

Client: Local Community Bank

The Challenge

Did you ever watch one of those home improvement shows where the owner or investor finds out the worst possible scenario becomes their reality? Parkvue Realty had one of those “DUN-DUN-DUUUN” moments when when we gained access to a newly assigned property and discovered that due to recent extremely cold temperatures, a frozen pipe had burst. The result was 2-3 inches of ice throughout the kitchen, dining and portion of the living room on the main level. There were also extensive icicles in the basement and heavy frost on the walls and ceiling of the main level of the home. Unfortunately, we couldn’t cut to commercial and we had to come up with a solution.

The Solution

We jumped into action and immediately had the city cut off water at the street. Meanwhile, we had the utilities transferred into our name and restored heat. Simply turning on the heat wasn’t the answer. We had to hire a contractor to complete a ‘controlled thaw’ of the property with additional space heaters and then remove ice and water. Once that was completed, we had the task of remediating the damages. First, we removed all carpet/padding on the first floor, removed all damaged drywall and installed industrial fans to dry affected areas. Once the property was totally dried out, we had to conduct mold testing to ensure there wasn’t any hidden mold. Finally, we had to make sure all plumbing, drywall, and carpeting was repaired or replaced and home was restored to a habitable condition. Despite the laundry list of issues that resulted from this situation, the home was sold without incident.

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