K.M. Minemier & Associates is a certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) engaged in full service real estate asset management and marketing.

HUD Articles

May you live in interesting times!

March 11, 2021

It was once said, " I hope you live in interesting times".  Little do most folks know, this is considered an old Chinese curse!

Depending on what is going on, it could very well be a wish for great times!

I am going to give you an example and let you decide which side this falls on.

Recently I was on a webinar with an Industry leader talking about todays Real Estate market.

During this presentation, there were statistics shown regarding some areas around the country.

Did you know that there are markets where the purchase prices are going up at an alarming rate while the normal rents are going down!

Does this mean that it may be a good idea to hold off buying a home?

Maybe, depending on your area and your credit worthiness.

If you have good credit with a down-payment and intend to stay in a home for a longer period of time, it may be a fine time to buy.

Remember, Real Estate is cyclical, so if you stay in a home for 8-10 years, then the cycle will likely come back around to where it is now or better.  

One other thing to think about is that equity is only realized when you sell. During the years that you live in your home, equity is simply a way of keeping score.

Of course, keep an eye on your home’s value, but don't obsess about it.

These are interesting times for sure. Good or bad?  You decide.

Until next month. 

Mick Kuehn

Southern Breezes Real Estate

North Charleston SC

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