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The ABC's of Have A Great Start to the New Year by Peter Giese

January 15, 2018

The chance to start anew makes the New Year’s holiday unique for almost everyone. New Year’s is not centered on a historical event, a memorial occasion or a religious remembrance. It is about the beginning of a new calendar. The fresh new calendar and end of year celebrations, spurs millions to rethink their opportunities in life. If you are one of the millions of people who made a New Year’s resolution and want to start off right to achieve your goals this year, here are the ABC’s of simplifying the process to crush 2018!

A – Acceptance.  In order to get where you want to go, you have to accept the realities of your current situation. If you do not start with your current truth, the odds are against you achieving your future goals. It is important to have a bold and exciting vision for the New Year so you are continuously reminded that success is worth the journey.  However without accepting the complete truth of your current status, the New Year goals will soon be replaced with the realization of the difficulty in change. If you want to lose weight, then you must step on the scale to see your starting point. If you are in sales and your goal is to double your income, then you must look to see the potential clients you should reach out to in the New Year. Eliminate a potential downfall by recognizing the facts and accepting your starting point, whether positive or negative.

B – Belief.  It is very seldom in life that we accomplish anything more than what we believe we can achieve or deserve. Belief is the foundation of all religious faiths.  It is central to our accomplishments that we believe that regardless of the difficulties ahead, there are in fact better days ahead. If you create goals and accept your starting point, then you must develop a process that reminds you each day to move forward and reach your goal. Forget the naysayers, the biggest critic you have is you. In order to reach your true potential and crush your goals, you must stop your own negative thinking and believe in yourself.  Start each day with the affirmation, “I deserve this success.” Follow up with a visual image of what you are striving for in 2018 that is printed out and in front of you each day as a meaningful reminder of why it’s important to believe in yourself.

C – Comfortable. If you are comfortable in your current situation, you will continue to justify your actions and be part of the 90+% of the population that does not achieve their New Year goals. If you allow yourself to be comfortable with the status quo, you will prevent yourself from taking the necessary actions to achieve your goal and become okay with your past self. You will justify your actions and rationalize why you didn’t reach your goal. Life should be lived with an attitude of abundance to wake up each day working towards achieving a big dream. We become who we desire, by taking action every day until those positive actions become habits. Whatever you want to accomplish that is new in 2018 will require change. Change is difficult because doing new things is uncomfortable. The key to success is committing to new action items.  You will reach success when you transform actions that were once uncomfortable into actions that are now comfortable. No one is immediately comfortable getting up early to go to the gym or in a sales position is eager to call on new prospects.

The key to crushing your goals this year is to take action. Perform those new activities for 90 days and you will discover what was once uncomfortable will become comfortable and you now have built a habit to reach your goals.

Happy New Year!

From United Real Estate Mid-South
Southaven, MS

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