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HUD Articles

Control Credit Card Debt

October 12, 2020

Most people get into serious debt because of poor spending habits. Effective management of credit card debt can help you to stabilize your finances. Most financial experts suggest that credit card debt is healthy as long you have a plan for paying it off.. Managing your credit card wisely involves not charging those items that you couldn’t pay cash for. Paying off your credit card debt on time improves your credit ratings so that it’s easy to get loans in the future. Below are tips you can use to manage your credit card debts.

Learn The True Costs

Before you make a big purchase using your credit card, contact the credit card company to learn how much interest and fees you will be charged. Calculate how much it will cost you to purchase that item using a credit card and you may be surprised to find out how much it will cost in the long run.

Make payments on time

Make sure that you pay your monthly minimum amounts on time to prevent your debt from accumulating. When you skip a payment, you will be penalized and charged a higher interest rate, which will just add to your debt. Your credit history will be negatively affected which will lower your credit score.

Pay more than the minimum amount

Try to pay more than the minimum amounts on your card if at all possible. This helps to clear your debt quicker. The longer you take to clear the debt, the more you will pay due to the interest you’re being charged.

Ask for a lower APR

Your credit card company will give you a lower APR if you have a good credit history. This is because most credit card companies don’t want to lose their customers especially those with good payment histories.

Take the long view

You’ll benefit from using a credit card in the short term but it will affect you negatively in the long run. Learn to look at your finances in the long run because once you have a large balance on your credit report, it will show for the next two to three years. If you have not yet decided to buy something, write down its costs on a piece of paper and pin it in a place where you will see it every day. You’ll find out that the thrill of purchasing the item diminishes with time.

Manage your spending

If you really want to control your debt don’t spend more than the credit card’s limit. You could find yourself in a serious debt situation. Remember that you may be charged for surpassing the limit which only adds to the debt.

Budget your money

Work out a good budget that will enable you to live comfortably while paying off your debt. Adopt the habit of sticking to your budget to avoid overspending. Review the budget to see if you can cut back on some items. You’ll have more money you could use to pay off your debt.

Consolidate your cards

You cannot keep track of how much debt you are accumulating if you have many credit cards. You could take out a loan and use the money to clear all your debts. You would then have asingle payment to the consolidating company each month. This is an easier method to pay off your debts. However, it can lead to a worse situation. Many people who consolidate their debts start to use their credit cards again and accumulate new credit card debt. Since they are debt free; they forget that there is a loan that must be paid back.

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