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10 Fun Ways to Shake Things Up for 2018!

January 09, 2018

What are you doing new this year?



There's something in the new year air that makes you want to change things up - do something different, something fun. Have you started making plans for this year? Are your goals set? 


One of the reasons many people abandon their New Year's resolutions before the first month is over is because the goals they've set are more of a chore! Make your resolutions more fun and exciting, that way you are constantly motivated to do them. 


Here are 10 fun and enjoyable goals that will make you happier this year!


1. Do something fun on the weekend. You work hard every day, you deserve to treat yourself every week. Meet with friends and dine out, grab a drink or go dancing. Hoppin', the new self-serve wine and craft beer in South End, opened in December 2017 and served a record breaking 130,000 ounces to 4,000 customers in its first eight days! This is be a great place to meet your friends! 

2. Hit the best barbecue spots in Charlotte. Let's admit it, North Carolina barbecue is not as famous as barbecue from Texas, but hey, ours is also great. In fact, Dunn ranked the 10 best barbecue spots in Charlotte. Midwood Smokehouse grabbed the top ranking with its authentic pork over wood method and excellent crispy pork skin cracklings, closely followed by Sauceman's (which also cooks over wood), and Mac's Speed Shop. 


3. Take up a new sport or exercise. There is no better way to lose the holiday pounds than to be physically active. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which create positive feelings. You'll feel happy and release stress at the same time. Do something you've never tried before? Try boxing!


4. Watch a live sport event. If you love basketball, watch an NBA event live! A baseball fan? Go to a Major League Baseball game. Do you live and breathe football? Go to an NFL game. Watching your favorite sport being played by your favorite team live is an exhilarating experience, one you should enjoy  this year.


5. Volunteer or give donations. True happiness comes when we seek other's welfare besides our own. Share your blessings and do something good for others. It doesn't even have to  be about money. You can share your time, or donate unused toys,  books or clothes.


6. Learn the dance steps for a whole song. It doesn't matter if you don't think you can dance, what matters is you try! Learn the dance steps for a whole song and you've got something that will keep you moving for at least two-three minutes. Who knows, you may discover that you have the talent for it!


7. Travel somewhere. This is the year to cross off one item on your bucket list - visit a new place and explore. It's the first month of the year, you have more than enough time to plan and save for your trip. Start with local places, then travel farther away with each succeeding adventure. Visiting new places is refreshing. It also helps you gain new ideas, perspective, and friends. 


8. Eat at Shake Shack. Yes, I know it's a fast food franchise, but it one of the highly anticipated openings this year, and let's admit it, it's pretty good!


9. Watch a theater performance. When was the last time you've watched a play? It's time to brush up on your knowledge of the classics. Make it more fun by watching it with your friends, or at least someone who appreciates theater.


10. Pamper yourself. Put your best foot forward by investing in your appearance and feeling good about yourself. Get facials, foot massages, or a mani-pedi session at least once a month. This will boost your self-esteem and help make you feel better. 


There are many other fun activities and goals you can set for this year. If you need help when it comes to changing the look of your home, call us at (704) 997-3794. We at Showcase Realty are happy to help you know what changes will best improve the value of your home.


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