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HUD Articles

Giving back

March 12, 2020


Today, the American economy seems to be roaring along.

With this prosperity, I hope that people will stop and give themselves the experience of giving back.

There are few things that are true win-win scenarios. This is one of them.

Giving back provides a greater sense of community as well as a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

If you are not sure how you can help, there are plenty of organizations that would appreciate any assistance that you can give.

One, in particular, is a non-profit called Habitat for Humanity.

For many, this organization provides an opportunity that may not otherwise be available.

Habitat strives to help people realize homeownership through work and education.

If you have questions or some time to donate, please reach out to your local Habitat for Humanity organization and see how you might experience the joy of giving back.

If Habitat is not in your area, I am sure that there are others that would appreciate the help.


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