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HUD Articles

HUD Open Houses

February 13, 2020

Do Open Houses Sell Homes?

Do open houses work? Do open houses sell homes? These are questions that every real estate agent has been asked at one time or another in their career.

One of the most heated debates in real estate comes into play when Realtors talk about whether open houses work to sell a home.

There are two sides on this hotly debated topic – those that say open houses are a vital part of marketing and those that say they are completely unnecessary.

They are the perfect opportunity for a real estate agent to shake hands and meet people. Not everyone who walks in the door is a buyer for that home, but they could be a “prospect” for other houses.

An exceptional real estate agent will explain the risks involved in an open house. They give the pros and cons and let the seller decide if the open house makes sense for them. Unfortunately, homeowners are conditioned to believe that open houses are necessary.

Open Houses Can Be Fruitful For Real Estate Agents - You can sell the home listed and get leads for other buyers.



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